Content Manager

Content Manager controller gets calls from the front end and responds in json format.


Returns the schema of a content type


  • t The name of the table (GET)


curl ''


    "name": "post",
    "title": "Posts",
    "pagination": 15,
    "id": "id",
    "tools": [
    "csv": [
    "commands": [
    "lang": "core\/lang\/admin\/",
    "permissions": {
        "create": [
        "update": [
        "delete": [
        "read": [
    "search-box": true,
    "search-boxes": [
    "fields": {
        "id": {
            "title": "ID",
            "style": "width:5%",
            "create": false,
            "edit": false
        "title": {
            "title": "Title"
        "thumbnail": {
            "type": "meta",
            "list": false,
            "input-type": "media",
            "meta-csv": true,
            "mt": [
            "metatype": [
            "title": "thumbnail"
        "slug": {
            "list": false,
            "title": "slug"
        "user_id": {
            "title": "User",
            "type": "select",
            "options": {
                "1": "Vasilis"
        "updated": {
            "title": "Last updated",
            "type": "date",
            "searchbox": "period",
            "edit": false,
            "create": false
        "categories": {
            "edit": true,
            "type": "meta",
            "mt": [
            "metatype": [
            "title": "Categories",
            "options": []
        "tags": {
            "list": false,
            "edit": true,
            "type": "meta",
            "meta-csv": true,
            "mt": [
            "metatype": [
            "title": "Tags"
        "publish": {
            "title": "Public",
            "style": "width:8%",
            "type": "checkbox",
            "edit": true
        "commands": {
            "title": "",
            "eval": "dv='<a href=\"admin\/posts\/''\">Edit<\/a>';"
        "post": {
            "list": false,
            "title": "Post",
            "edit": true,
            "type": "textarea",
            "input-type": "tinymce",
            "allow-tags": true
    "events": [


Returns the rows as array


  • t The name of the table (GET)

  • orderby Ordering the results: Examples: id id_ASC id_DESC (GET)

  • groupby Groups the results by a field or more (comma seperated) (GET)

  • <field_name> A filter to apply on any field (GET) More options:

    • <field_name>[gt] Greater than
    • <field_name>[ge] Greater or equal than
    • <field_name>[lt] Less than
    • <field_name>[le] Less or equal than
    • <field_name>[begin] A string that begins with
    • <field_name>[end] A string that ends with
    • <field_name>[has] A string includes value


Updates entry


  • t The name of the table (GET)
  • id The id of row to update or a comma seperated list od ids, if is not set it will create a new entry. (GET)
  • <field_name> The value of the field for the update or insert action (POST)


Returns a row with the default values


  • t The name of the table (GET)


Inserts a new row in the content table


  • t The name of the table (GET)
  • <field_name> The value of the field for the update or insert action (POST)


Deletes a row


  • t The name of the table (GET)
  • id The id of row to delete (POST)


Returns the rows as an array of objects in json format. I wont return the total rows Parameters are like /list_rows


Returns the rows in csv format for download Parameters are like /list_rows