
The source code of Gila CMS is split into packages, even the core files are part of the main package called core. The package folders are placed inside src/ folder and desirably have a similar structure:


The folders are optional but very useful to organize better the code. The only requires files are the package.json which has the basic information of the package, and the load.php


A simple package.json file:

	"name":"Package Name",
	"description":"A short descriptive text of your package for what it does.",
  "author":"Your Name"

You can also add another index in the object called options. It will be an array of objects, the objects are the options to be stored. The index is the option name and it can have optional values with the following indexes:

  • title the option name to be displayed, if not specified, the index is used
  • type select | postcategory
  • options array of {value:display_text}, it is required if is set type:select

You can get the option values like that:

// options are saved using as prefix the package's folder name
// for example if the package has the folder my_package/

$option1 = Config::option("my_package.option1");
$lang = Config::option("my_package.lang","en"); // use default value 'en'

More information for package.json schema.


This file is excecuted in every request to the website, so instead of adding many lines of code we usually register to the system new controllers, new routes or include on more files only when is needed. A simple load.php file could be:

// display text below any post
	echo 'This is printed after post.';

IMPORTANT: The first line of the load.php file should include only the opening tag <?php and not close with the closing tag.

Some things you can do in a load file:


// add menu item or menu sub item
Config::amenu_child('mymenuitem',['Sub Item',"myctr/sub",'icon'=>'link']);

// add an event listener
Event::listen('load', function() {
  // this function will run after all load.php from active packages
  if(Config::hasPrivilege('admin')==false) {
    View::renderFile('landing-page.php', 'mypackage');

// register new content type
Config::content('mytable', 'mypackage/tables/mytable.php');

// add new column on an existing content type
Config::contentInit('mytable', function(&$table) {
    $table['fields']['newfield'] = [
        'title'=>"New Field",   // the label to display
        'qtype'=>'varchar(80)', // the column type at database schema

// register a controller
// all /blog/* request are processed from class Blog in
// blog/controllers/blogController.php
Router::controller('blog', 'blog/controllers/blogController', 'Blog');

// add a new action for blog controller (/blog/topics)
  View::render('blog-topics.php', 'mypackage');


An optional small(120x120px) png file


This file is excecuted when a package is activated or downloaded (while active). It serves to update the database schema if the package requires it.


When package is activated, the files from this folder will be copied in a public folder assets/{package-name}/


The view files are added here. they can be rendered like this:

View::render('view-file.php', '[package-name]');